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Virtual Ambiance is a company that my group created for a project in my Graphic Art/Design class. Here you will find information on our product, Mobile Cinema, along with information about Virtual Ambiance itself. During this project I created various things for Mobile Cinema, such as the packaging, product, and advertisements. All of those can be found on this mock-up of the Virtual Ambiance website. Enjoy! 

Virtual Ambiance is a Limited Partnership run by young entrepreneurs in the Entertainment industry. We use recycled plastic in all of our products, as well as biodegradable minimal packaging. We offer an employee matching gift program of up to $5,000 a year to a non-profit of our employee’s choice.

Who are We?

Mission Statement

We want to provide quality entertainment for people all around the world at an affordable price. Virtual Ambiance strives to uphold our values of friendliness and devotion to our customers to make their lives easier. We also strongly care about the environment and want to make sure that our product is eco-friendly while still being high grade.

Virual Ambiance

© Pollak Graphics 2015

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